Florence's Wedding
The women who always practices moral value in class with me through vulgar words, that's the Florence I know whom is getting married. Congratulation to you girl, as for the groom - best of luck! ha ha!

Jamieliew, Yeeling, Florence, May Sze, Simonso

Jamieliew, Simonso, Coolen, Betty

Went to the washroom and saw the bride and groom still greeting late comers...
florence : Where you going?
simonso : cannot tahan go out dabao food.
florence : that's great i'll save more without you eating my food.
simonso : Wth?

Coolen's experience while going to the washroom :-
florence : is betty your gf?
coolen : noh lah, my friend.
~ coming back from the washroom
coolen : pretending to hold betty's hands
florence : EH U TIPU ME!
coolen : where got? we waited too long for the food to be served until we became couples already.
florence : *sweat*

The florence we know will get the husband drunk and rapes him! Yup thats the florence we know, ha ha!
Anyway we introduced a new term to this ladies (except jamie), "CAMHO"
simonso : Everybody say CAMHO
everybody : uhhhhhhhhh!

Congratulations to you two lah, may you two love each other long time! Ha ha!
Jamieliew, Yeeling, Florence, May Sze, Simonso
Jamieliew, Simonso, Coolen, Betty
Went to the washroom and saw the bride and groom still greeting late comers...
florence : Where you going?
simonso : cannot tahan go out dabao food.
florence : that's great i'll save more without you eating my food.
simonso : Wth?
Coolen's experience while going to the washroom :-
florence : is betty your gf?
coolen : noh lah, my friend.
~ coming back from the washroom
coolen : pretending to hold betty's hands
florence : EH U TIPU ME!
coolen : where got? we waited too long for the food to be served until we became couples already.
florence : *sweat*
The florence we know will get the husband drunk and rapes him! Yup thats the florence we know, ha ha!
Anyway we introduced a new term to this ladies (except jamie), "CAMHO"
simonso : Everybody say CAMHO
everybody : uhhhhhhhhh!
Congratulations to you two lah, may you two love each other long time! Ha ha!