The Proposal @ Advertlets
Thanks to advertlets we got to watch The Proposal 10 days before screening and met quite a few awesome people!

Yup after makan we went to ke-chik ke-chik around the cinema area

Rames showing the picture he took, but somebody else is peeping

This is what happens when you lupa to bring the wide angle lens.. Super cramp! We look happy though ha ha

Spot Josh Lim! Anyway it was super pack, movie was funny, good, and entertaining.

As usual Josh never let this moment go everytime and this time the guys had to think about the most cheesy words he can think of to propose to the ladies
The first one is Natalie, OMG! This is gonna be difficult..
Aha anyway Thank you advertlets for the movie
Yup after makan we went to ke-chik ke-chik around the cinema area
Rames showing the picture he took, but somebody else is peeping
This is what happens when you lupa to bring the wide angle lens.. Super cramp! We look happy though ha ha
Spot Josh Lim! Anyway it was super pack, movie was funny, good, and entertaining.
As usual Josh never let this moment go everytime and this time the guys had to think about the most cheesy words he can think of to propose to the ladies
The first one is Natalie, OMG! This is gonna be difficult..
Aha anyway Thank you advertlets for the movie