The big 3+0
First of all, gotta respect Hafetz who got the balloon. Haha! We are never too old for anything.
Planned a little surprise dinner with the bro's wife and for once everybody was there before the birthday boy.

Not to make it sound old or anything but we all known each other for almost 20 years. Talking about primary school times together. Well good friends are hard to find anymore these days and i'm pretty damn glad that I've got these guys with me.

Couple no. 1 - Coolen and Nick

Romeo and Juliet haha.

We were suppose to be the 3 muskateers but Hafetz say 3 is a dying number, mamak style kot. haha.

All of us with the lovely princess baby. Guess my gf can never get jealous of me calling a baby, baby. Haaaaa!
Happy birthday bro, hope you had a great time.