Hennessy VSOP Parties line up and MY HENNESSY App!
The only brandy I drink these days and it is back and back with more..
Before that, a picture. Haha.
Hennessy V.S.O.P 2013’s circuit of Hennessy V.S.O.P Parties Line Up
The first happening party out of 11 is on the 25th July 2013 at The Butter Factory KL
So where is the rest of the 10 venues? Ahhhh that is where you download the My Hennessy App (AppStore) onto your iPhones
What does the app really do?
1. Allow you to get real time update on Hennessy parties and events
2. Camera function to capture more of your Hennessy moments.
3. Accumulate points and win great merchandises. (below got pictureeeeee aahhhh)

I'm sure the exchange gifts itinerary list will build up from time to time, but for now I am eyeing on the VSOP charger and speaker!

Find out more about Hennessy and their happenings here

The first happening party out of 11 is on the 25th July 2013 at The Butter Factory KL
So where is the rest of the 10 venues? Ahhhh that is where you download the My Hennessy App (AppStore) onto your iPhones
What does the app really do?
1. Allow you to get real time update on Hennessy parties and events
2. Camera function to capture more of your Hennessy moments.
3. Accumulate points and win great merchandises. (below got pictureeeeee aahhhh)

I'm sure the exchange gifts itinerary list will build up from time to time, but for now I am eyeing on the VSOP charger and speaker!

Find out more about Hennessy and their happenings here