PUMA : reStock
Went over to PUMA today and scout for something new.
This time I got myself 3 pairs of shoes, 5 T-shirts and a short pants. Haaaa life is goooooooood!

My awesome PUMA shoes no. 1 - PUMA Eco OrthoLite

What are the other two more? You'll find out when I decided to wear it over the weekend. Huahhhh! Follow me on instagram.com/simonso

Oh if you want to win a pair of suede's and a pair of VIP invite to the Evolution of Suede Finale Party, take some good shots any of :-
1. urban graffiti
2. skateboarding
3. breakfancing
4. iconic street culture landmarks,
5. hip-hop fashion
6. personalities or even a pair of PUMA Suede's!
Don't forget to Hashtag
#forthestreet #MY @PUMA