Proton Preve
I think this time Proton has outbeat themselves with the newest model around. The Proton Preve. Heard it over the radio and decided to find out more about the car. Cool interesting features which you can read more about it at Paul's blog

Funny thing is, I was telling my partner how interesting the features of the car was ... and it even got a "rain sensor"
My partner replied, Rain Sensor? What?!?!?! The car tells you when its raining is it?


Too add further..

The images circulating around the internet regarding the front wheel to have been crushed is not a failure to its lower arm or suspension.
Proton Edar Explains:
We would like to address concerns regarding pictures of a damaged Proton Prevé circulating on the web.
At around 4.45pm yesterday, one of our sales advisors was involved in an accident while driving from Jalan Sentul towards Jalan Pahang in KL, when the Proton Prevé that he was driving hit a divider and landed awkwardly causing the lower arm to break.
While we're happy to report that our sales advisor is unhurt, our test-drive unit, however, was damaged as a result of the accident. So, remember to buckle up and drive safe because accidents can happen - to anyone and to any car.
Proton Edar's Facebook
PS : According to the salesman who drove the car, he says otherwise. So i'm not sure whose right or wrong now..
PS : According to the salesman who drove the car, he says otherwise. So i'm not sure whose right or wrong now..