To get the BB icon when you type bb
Here is how you can install the blackberry icon with your personalize shortcut key.
First, go to your Options

Then select the AutoText option
You'll probably see this..

Hit your blackberry button and select New, then insert your shortcut key and replace with the blackberry icon by pasting it....never copy how to paste?
Looks like you've got to copy and paste this and email it to your blackberry.
You can add more shortcuts like your email, bank account, blog address into this area too. Makes life faster and easier. Try it out.

Then select the AutoText option

Hit your blackberry button and select New, then insert your shortcut key and replace with the blackberry icon by pasting it....never copy how to paste?

You can add more shortcuts like your email, bank account, blog address into this area too. Makes life faster and easier. Try it out.