SHOEVILLE is not just only a shoe shop, its an outlet filled with sentimental values. The opening not only gave me a great deal of motivation but happiness because to see a schoolmate of mine running a business is indeed inspiring. The concept, the brainchild, the designs, everything is done within the both sisters.
Oh i helped a little bit on the logo lar right? :P

The signage gives a "Tadaaaaaa" impression right?

See what i meant how creative the both sisters can be?
Now I wonder if she changes the window display concept, what she is going to do with the tripods? Anybody wants tripod? hehe

Her shop feel very breitish lah.. I like!

I took 3 years of color studies, and she didn't even studied art in high school and still managed to pull of with a great color combination. Respect!

Ya go shoeshop yourself at SHOEVILLE or visit the outlet yourself at bangsar shopping centre.
Wheres all the people??!?!?!????????
-- sambung esok lah..
Oh i helped a little bit on the logo lar right? :P

The signage gives a "Tadaaaaaa" impression right?

See what i meant how creative the both sisters can be?
Now I wonder if she changes the window display concept, what she is going to do with the tripods? Anybody wants tripod? hehe

Her shop feel very breitish lah.. I like!

I took 3 years of color studies, and she didn't even studied art in high school and still managed to pull of with a great color combination. Respect!

Ya go shoeshop yourself at SHOEVILLE or visit the outlet yourself at bangsar shopping centre.
Wheres all the people??!?!?!????????
-- sambung esok lah..