Dave's One Utama
When you think of pork, you think of Dave's!

Pork pork pork! Babi Babi Babi!

Ahaha before the goodies arrive, we camho a bit first, too bad i didn't bring my cam.. aiiihhhhhhhh! But canon ixus pun ok lah!

*cough* *cough*

Owh this is the famous one there, too gau already the babi, I can't finish it.

Nom Nom nom! teeee heeeeee!

Pork pork pork! Babi Babi Babi!

Ahaha before the goodies arrive, we camho a bit first, too bad i didn't bring my cam.. aiiihhhhhhhh! But canon ixus pun ok lah!

*cough* *cough*

Owh this is the famous one there, too gau already the babi, I can't finish it.

Nom Nom nom! teeee heeeeee!