Those days : The One Academy
This is Menten and Dewi, and these are the days back at college time.. 

Either one way or another, we were in a group as a team before

Sunny, our Macromedia Director champion. Without him, we wouldn't know what Lingo Scripting is..
Grace hates it!

This is Grace and Sharen, i believe they never liked any of Sunny's classes... not because they dont like him.. (OMG! they think he was cute lah) its because of the lingo language.. hee hee..

Vanee is one of my favourites, she has great skills in teaching, influencing and still look pretty.. Thought we had something going there back at college, but apparently i was too young
.. tee hee! Kidding la!

OMG! notice the old school MAC on the right.. pheww those were the days..

Either one way or another, we were in a group as a team before

Sunny, our Macromedia Director champion. Without him, we wouldn't know what Lingo Scripting is..

Grace hates it!

This is Grace and Sharen, i believe they never liked any of Sunny's classes... not because they dont like him.. (OMG! they think he was cute lah) its because of the lingo language.. hee hee..

Vanee is one of my favourites, she has great skills in teaching, influencing and still look pretty.. Thought we had something going there back at college, but apparently i was too young

OMG! notice the old school MAC on the right.. pheww those were the days..