Buying Flower
After breakfast we went jalan jalan and realise a cafe called Day & Night..

I wonder why it was closed?
Steven : Morning to them not Day kot...

Then went to the market and get a few stuffs for our temple trip

But fruits isn't one of them..

Yeah flowers for us to bath in later.. he he

Steven bought towels too, and boy it was short.. Imagine when Edmund wears it.. Phewwwwww wittttt sexiness!

anyway the mandi bunga was embarrassing ha ha..
Imagine :
Very short towels, sitting outside the temple and getting bathe by the monk..
No pictures needed to describe the scenario, imagine!

I wonder why it was closed?
Steven : Morning to them not Day kot...

Then went to the market and get a few stuffs for our temple trip

But fruits isn't one of them..

Yeah flowers for us to bath in later.. he he

Steven bought towels too, and boy it was short.. Imagine when Edmund wears it.. Phewwwwww wittttt sexiness!

anyway the mandi bunga was embarrassing ha ha..
Imagine :
Very short towels, sitting outside the temple and getting bathe by the monk..
No pictures needed to describe the scenario, imagine!